Blackwell Web Design

Blackwell Web Design Telephone: 1-318-348-7162








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Websites 101

Understanding Web Sites

domain name * decisions * hosting * content * graphics * promotion
maintenance * statistics  * keywords, description, and other metadata  

Here's some basic information -- Websites 101 -- about the world wide web and web sites that make it work.  We don't know everything, but we know some things, and if you want to learn, we'll try to help.  


The Website 101 pages are basic informational pages to provide an overview of some of the more standardized functions of most web sites.

This is the Websites101 Main Page


Blackwell Web Design

PO Box 189, Sterlington LA 71280-0189

1 - 3 1 8 - 3 4 8 - 7 1 6 2

this is a graphic of our electronic mail address -- it is sad that we cannot simply put the address here without those pesky harvesters getting them and causing our INBOX to fill up needlessly....

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